Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Who I am

Hi everyone,
So let me see how this works ... looks like I have to introduce myself to whoever is going to read this. My name is María Alejandra Gattorna de Weser, I am 44, I live in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. I am married to Alberto, who is a naval officer and have two teenage sons, Gabriel (18) and Agustín, (16).
I am a teacher of English and work at 3 schools in Bahia, one is a public school, school 39 - here I teach 9th grade, another is a private school, Escuela de la Ciudad, where I teach 6th grade. The last, and where I have more classes is Asociación Bahiense de Cultura Inglesa - an English Language School.

Well, I think that is enough for you to get an idea of who I am.

Ok, here I am on my second day blogging ... Enjoying my holidays ... spending part of the day at the club, sunbathing mostly and spending the rest of the day - it is almost midnight here! in front of my PC reading articles suggested by the EVO(Electronic Village Online) moderators.

The event hasn't started but it all looks so promising ... and reading one article leads you to another and a link (Teresa's webpage, Webcollaborator, Tapped In, etc) leads you to learning about so many programs (Handybits, Hello, Skype) that are available and which we could use at school to enhance communication with our students and even among colleagues ... it is like my mind is bursting with projects for our 2005 schoolyear!

Enough for today I guess ... want to do some more reading on Blog Netiquette ...

Hello Ale,
Congratulations on your fantastic blog and thanks for sharing your family pictures with us. It is so nice to visualize and feel the people we are working with online.
Keep it up!
Warm regards from Brazil :-)
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